The data provided on this site is for informational and planning purposes only.
Absolutely no accuracy or completeness guarantee is implied or intended. All information on this website is for informational purpose only and must not be used and trusted 'as is'. Please understand that it may be outdated, unclear, or simply wrong !
We hope you are aware that you can not trust anything you read on the internet: the website owner can not be held responsible for any decision taken on the basis of the information presented here : please always consider getting fresh and official legal information from the flying sites local people, clubs and/or authorities and consider the weather carefully before you go fly !
Plus, we use as little cookies as possible, we assume you're ok with it if you continue using the website. Absolutely nothing is done with the data you provide.
This beeing said, fly happy and safe ! ;)
A work in progress to make a simple map based collaborative database of paragliding sites, clubs and pros worldwide.
The data provided on this site is for informational and planning purposes only.
Absolutely no accuracy or completeness guarantee is implied or intended. All information on this website is for informational purpose only and must not be used and trusted 'as is'. Please understand that it may be outdated, unclear, or simply wrong !
We hope you are aware that you can not trust anything you read on the internet: the website owner can not be held responsible for any decision taken on the basis of the information presented here : please always consider getting fresh and official legal information from the flying sites local people, clubs and/or authorities and consider the weather carefully before you go fly !
This beeing said, fly happy and safe ! ;)
This work and your contributions are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Starting December 10th of 2024, new contributions will also be added in a separate database licenced under ODbL 1.0.
Website built with Leaflet, from a bootleaf basis.
A big thank you to the "Ducks Parapente" pg club in Grenoble - fr, for offering hosting to the project.
A big thank you also to for having kindly offered pgearth a free hosting for over a decade ! Bless you, guys !
And of course a big thank you to all contributors !! :)
We care about your privacy : our code is google tools and facebook buttons free so no-one at gafam will ever track you here !
Don't thank us, it's our pleasure !
This beeing said, we tried our best, but they must know you're here anyway... ;)
We also try to use as few cookies as possible, which is why you have to login at every connection, sorry for the inconveniance.
Expenses | € | Income | € |
hosting | 43 | hosting offered by guc parapente | 43 |
domain name | 10 | ads on the site | 0 |
domain name | 31 | ||
membership script bought on code canyon | 13 | ||
total | 97 | 43 |
Funded : 42%, missing 51 €, updated : sept. 2017
pgearth on paypal.
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takeoff | Various take off options: from the summit to lower elevations. Plenty off clear from rocks spots sufficient for launching. Part of hiking is on the trail- about 200- 300 meters before chapel Travers the slope to chosen take off spot. |
landing | Beside car park. ATTENTION- BE ALERT!!!! power lines just near the road and car park- please watch out!. |
weather | Typical coastal mountain weather patterns - be alert of strong wind and suddenly unexpected lowering cloud base- coastal fog, appearing fog Mist from the ocean below the peaks. |
rules | Minimum Paragliding pilot rating: Para Pro 3 Pilots flying first time on this site are asked to contact: to arrange guides. Flying regulations:Regular ridge soaring rule- right way for the pilot with ridge on his right site and thermal rules- entering the thermal circle in the same turn direction as the pilot who is circling first. |
access | Travel on N-59 to Maam Cross and continue driving towards Clifden. Turn North to Mameen about 15-17 km from Maam Cross then follow the road about 3.5 km. to parking lot. |
comments | Very interesting site and excellent for mountain's XC flights. So far the best flown XC in West Ireland- 42 Km.XC. The goal is get from here to Croagh Patrick- some day... Note: 6.6.21: 190km ( |
contact | |
web | |
tourism |
Courtesy of
sites modifications.
new pictures.
new members.
clubs modifications.
pros modifications.
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You are apparently trying to watch a page that doesn't exist on pgearth... Sorry for that :(